Sunday, October 15, 2017

SPLC on Campus releases "A Guide to Bystander Intervention"

The Southern Poverty Law Center's "SPLC on Campus" initiative has released a new Guide to Bystander Intervention, available directly online as a web page and as a 12-page downloadable PDF.  The guide's acknowledgments section credits anti-harassment organization Hollaback! for earlier drafts.  The guide focuses on the "5 D's" of Direct, Distract, Delegate, Delay, and Document, which is a broader set of choices than some bystander intervention trainings that place the emphasis on ignoring the harasser and interacting only with the target.

From the guide's introduction:

It’s understandable that people can feel immobilized and afraid when faced with these situations. There’s no need, however, to feel helpless. We can all find a way to safely take action that makes a difference. This guide provides those steps. It also examines how to prepare before you encounter such situations. As this guide makes clear, a little preparation can help you find a way to let someone know they are not alone and public harassment will not be tolerated.